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Java Naming Conventions

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  • Names are used to denote classes, objects, attributes and methods
  • A name is a sequence of letters, number and _'s
  • Names may not start with a number
  • Java names are case sensitive


Class names utilise Camel Case eg ThisIsAClassNameInCamelCase

Other Names

Other names usually start with lower case letters, but are capitalised from there eg setManagerType

Finals / Constants

Finals (Constants) are all upper case as a stylistic convention. Underscores are used to separate individual words. eg THIS_IS_A_FINAL

Reserved Words

Screenshot 2022-07-05 at 12.50.54.png

These are Java's keywords, which signal the compiler to perform some internal operations. These can not be used as identifiers.


Single line comments

Single line comments start with a //, these can be placed anywhere within the line (unless it is escaped)

public class Car {
 //This is a single line comment
 private int speed; //This is also a comment, but does not affect the code

Multi line comments

Multi line comments start with /* and end with a */.

However, if a multi line comment starts with /** instead of /*, the contents of the comment wil be included in the documentation generated by javadoc.

/** Constructor that sets speed
 * We do not want a Car whose speed is
 public Car (int s) {
  speed = s;