
Estimated time to read: 1 minute

When we print out Objects, we often see a String that is not very helpful in determining what the Object represents. In the last lesson, we saw that when we printed our Store objects, we would see output like:


where Store is the name of the object and 6bc7c054 is its position in memory.

This doesn’t tell us anything about what the Store sells, the price, or the other instance fields we’ve defined. We can add a method to our classes that makes this printout more descriptive.

When we define a toString() method for a class, we can return a String that will print when we print the object:

class Car {

    String color;

    public Car(String carColor) {
        color = carColor;

    public static void main(String[] args){
        Car myCar = new Car("red");

   public String toString(){
       return "This is a " + color + " car!";

When this runs, the command System.out.println(myCar) will print This is a red car!, which tells us about the Object myCar.