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Object Types

Estimated time to read: 3 minutes

Categories of Objects in Design

Entity Objects

Entity objects are the most familiar, because they correspond to some real-world entity in the problem space. If you have an object representing a chair in your software, then this is an entity object. If you have an object representing a building or a customer, these are all entity objects. Generally, these objects will know attributes about themselves. They will also be able to modify themselves, and have some rules for how to do so.

When you are identifying objects to include in your software and breaking down those objects into smaller objects, you will initially get entity objects. The other categories of objects will come later, as you start to think about the technical design of the software.

Boundary Objects

Boundary objects are objects which sit at the boundary between systems. This could be an object that deals with another software system - like an object that obtains information from the Internet. It could also be an object with the responsibility of showing information to the user and getting their input. If you program a user interface - the visual aspect of software - you are probably mostly working with boundary objects. Any object that deals with another system - a user, another software system, the Internet - can be considered a boundary object.

Control Objects

Control objects are objects which are responsible for coordination. You will discover control objects when you attempt to break down a large object, and find that it would be useful to have an object that controls the other objects. You will see many examples of these objects in real usage in the next course in the specialisation: Design Patterns. A great example is a Mediator: it simply coordinates the activities of many different objects so that they can stay loosely coupled.

Categories of Objects in Action

At this point it may be difficult to see how these object types can help you. That is okay; breaking down objects in the best way takes real-world practice and experience. The most important thing to realise at this point is that your software will not solely consist of entity objects. Of course there will be objects for real-world items like tables and chairs or invoices and shopping carts, but there must also be objects for coordination and for interfacing with outside systems. They are a little bit harder to see, but no less essential, especially as you move from small projects to more complex software.


Scenario: Role Playing Game

Entity Object

This object generally corresponds to some real-world entity in the problem space. Say we’re building a role-playing game (RPG), an entity object would be our simple Hero class:

These objects generally contain properties about themselves (such as health or mana) and are modifiable through certain rules.

Control Object

Control objects (sometimes also called Manager objects) are responsible for the coordination of other objects. These are objects that control and make use of other objects. A great example in our RPG analogy would be the Fight class, which controls two heroes and makes them fight.

Encapsulating the logic for a fight in such a class provides you with multiple benefits: one of which is the easy extensibility of the action. You can very easily pass in a non-player character (NPC) type for the hero to fight, provided it exposes the same API. You can also very easily inherit the class and override some of the functionality to meet your needs.

Boundary Object

These are objects which sit at the boundary of your system. Any object which takes input from or produces output to another system — regardless if that system is a User, the internet or a database — can be classified as a boundary object.

These boundary objects are responsible for translating information into and out of our system. In an example where we take User commands, we would need the boundary object to translate a keyboard input (like a spacebar) into a recognizable domain event (such as a character jump).