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Course Scenario

Estimated time to read: 5 minutes


This course uses a Java application implementing the business logic for the management of flights and passengers, following a set of policies.

  • The input for this scenario is a non-TDD working application.
  • The application has a suite of expected operations, however, this must be confirmed.
  • Unit tests will be developed around the existing code in the application.
  • Functionality is added by understanding what needs to be done, writing tests that initially fail, then writing code to fix the test.

Assume that you are joining the development of a program to manage flights and passengers. The company maintains supports regarding adding and removing a passenger to a flight.

Initial Application Design

 Flight --|> "has" Passenger

 class Flight {
 -String flightType
 +boolean addPassenger(Passenger passenger)
 +boolean removePassenger(Passenger passenger)
 class Passenger{

Business Logic

Passenger Addition

The flight may be of a few types, economy and business are known at the time, consider that there may be a need to add other types at a later time, depending on the requirements from the customer.

If the flight is an economy flight, both standard and VIP passengers may be added.

If the flight is a business flight. only VIP passengers may be added.

%%{init: {'flowchart' : {'curve' : 'linear'}}}%%

 AA(( ))
 ZZ(( ))
 A[Add passenger to the flight]
 B{ }
 C{ }
 D[Approve request]
 E[Approve request]
 F[Reject request]
 G{ }
 H{ }

 AA --> A
 A --> | Is Flight Economy?| B

 B --> |Yes| D
 D --> H

 B --> | Is Passenger VIP?| C
 C --> | Yes| E
 C --> F
 E --> G
 F --> G
 G --> H

 H --> ZZ

Passenger Removal

There is also a policy for removing a passenger from the flight. A standard passenger may be removed from a flight, a VIP passenger cannot be removed.

%%{init: {'flowchart' : {'curve' : 'linear'}}}%%
 AA(( )) --> A
 ZZ(( ))
 A[Remove passenger from flight] --> | Is passenger VIP?| B{ }
 B -->|Yes| C[Reject Request]
 B -->|No| D[Approve Request]
 E{ } --> ZZ
 C --> E
 D --> E

Conditional to Polymorphism



 class Flight {
 -String flightType
 +boolean addPassenger(Passenger passenger)
 +boolean removePassenger(Passenger passenger)

To test this, a switch case would have been implemented, however, as no 'default' case is given, this section of code would never be tested. Thus a polymorphic design would prove beneficial.

public boolean removePassenger(Passenger passenger) {
 switch(flightType) {
  case "Economy":
  case "Business":


A separate class should be introduced for each conditional type. In the example above, this shows each type of FlightType being converted into its own class.


 Flight <|-- EconomyFlight
 Flight <|-- BusinessFlight
 Flight <|-- PremiumFlight

 class Flight{
 +boolean addPassenger(Passenger passenger)
 +boolean removePassenger(Passenger passenger)

 class EconomyFlight{


 class BusinessFlight{


 class PremiumFlight{


Initial Codebase
package io.entityfour.tdd.airport;

public class Airport {

 public static void main(String[] args) { // Contains a main method that serves, mainly, for testing purposes
  Flight economyFlight = new Flight("1", "Economy"); // Flight 1 is Economy
  Flight businessFlight = new Flight("2", "Business"); /// Flight 2 is Business

  Passenger john = new Passenger("John", true); // VIP named John
  Passenger mike = new Passenger("Mike", false); // Standard named Mike

  businessFlight.addPassenger(john); // John is added to the flight
  businessFlight.removePassenger(john); // Then an attempt is made to remove him, this should fail due to company policy
  businessFlight.addPassenger(mike); // Mike is attempted to be added to the business flight, this should fail due to company policy
  economyFlight.addPassenger(mike); // Mike is added to the economy flight

  System.out.println("Business flight passengers list:");
  for (Passenger passenger: businessFlight.getPassengersList()) {

  System.out.println("Economy flight passengers list:");
  for (Passenger passenger: economyFlight.getPassengersList()) {
package io.entityfour.tdd.airport;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

public class Flight {

 private String id; // Flight ID
 private List<Passenger> passengersList = new ArrayList<Passenger>(); // List of passengers
 private String flightType; // Flight Type

 public Flight(String id, String flightType) { = id;
  this.flightType = flightType;

 public String getId() {
  return id;

 public List<Passenger> getPassengersList() {
  return Collections.unmodifiableList(passengersList);

 public String getFlightType() {
  return flightType;

 public boolean addPassenger(Passenger passenger) { // Contains logic for adding a passenger
  switch (flightType) {
   case "Economy":
    return passengersList.add(passenger);
   case "Business":
    if (passenger.isVip()) {
     return passengersList.add(passenger);
    return false;
    throw new RuntimeException("Unknown type: " + flightType);


 public boolean removePassenger(Passenger passenger) { // Contains logic for removing a passenger
  switch (flightType) {
   case "Economy":
    if (passenger.isVip()) {
     return passengersList.remove(passenger);
    return false;
   case "Business":
    return false;
    throw new RuntimeException("Unknown type: " + flightType);

package io.entityfour.tdd.airport;

public class Passenger {

 private String name; // Passengers Name
 private boolean vip; // VIP Flag / Status

 public Passenger(String name, boolean vip) { = name; = vip;

 public String getName() {
  return name;

 public boolean isVip() {
  return vip;

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