Comparison Operators
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There are comparison operators for use within query operators to locate data within the database, these are:
is EQual to$ne
is Not Equal to$gt
is Greater Than$lt
is Less Than$gte
is Greater Than or Equal to$lte
is Less Than or Equal to
The syntax for use of these operators is:
Comparison Operator Examples¶
The following code blocks show example usage of comparison operators within MongoDB:
Find all documents where the tripduration was less than or equal to 70 seconds and the usertype was not Subscriber: db.trips.find({ "tripduration": { "$lte" : 70 }, "usertype": { "$ne": "Subscriber" } }).pretty()
Find all documents where the tripduration was less than or equal to 70 seconds and the usertype was Customer using a redundant equality operator: db.trips.find({ "tripduration": { "$lte" : 70 }, "usertype": { "$eq": "Customer" }}).pretty()
Find all documents where the tripduration was less than or equal to 70 seconds and the usertype was Customer using the implicit equality operator:
db.trips.find({ "tripduration": { "$lte" : 70 }, "usertype": "Customer" }).pretty()
db.zips.find( {"pop" : {"$lte" : 1000} } )